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Welcome to the Department of Meteorology and Climate Science

Dr. Quansah
                  Dr. Emmanuel Quansah

On behalf of both our dedicated staff and myself, I extend a warm and wholehearted welcome to the newest members of the Department of Meteorology and Climate Science at the College of Science, KNUST. The field of meteorology and climate science holds a pivotal role in driving socio-economic and sustainable progress within any nation. It is noteworthy that Africa, as a continent, faces the highest vulnerability to climate change impacts while simultaneously possessing the least capacity to respond effectively. Given that much of Africa's agricultural productivity depends on rainfall patterns, climate considerations have assumed an indispensable role in promoting sustainable development across the continent.

The pervasive consequences of climate change have gained global acknowledgment, touching the lives of individuals, communities, nations, and the entire world. Meteorologists and climate scientists are, therefore, indispensable professionals across a multitude of critical sectors in the economy. These sectors include agriculture, fisheries, water resource management, weather forecasting, aviation, and disaster mitigation.

Considering the far-reaching impacts of these sectors on human livelihoods, it becomes evident that they are pivotal in the pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals. Recognizing the burgeoning demand for meteorological and climate services in Ghana and beyond, our Meteorology and Climate Science program has been meticulously designed to cater to this growing need. Our team of internationally-trained faculty members imparts a well-rounded education, blending theoretical knowledge with practical applications while nurturing entrepreneurial spirit, innovation, and a mindset centered around design thinking.

Our unwavering dedication to advancing this program, both within and beyond the confines of the University, is vividly demonstrated through the educational and consulting services we offer to the broader public. We stand ready to equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to become stewards of sustainable development and resilience in the face of a changing climate. Welcome to a transformative journey in the Department of Meteorology and Climate Science.